So as of late, I've been diving back into animation. I used to do a various amount of it whether it was pixel, maplestory, tinierme, etc.
I wanna learn how to animate more so by combining 2D media and 3D media because I really feel like that's endgame.
My workflow has been mostly in clip studio and blender. before I start to do bigger-er stuff (besides that running animation I did) I wanna make sure I get the 1s, 2s and 3s down.
The stick figure animation really gives me nostalgia lmfao
Also some eye animation practice. Most trying to work in 3s for now.
Of course as far as 3D animation, I kinda have that down. It's just more nerve-wracking of iunno being in the process of doing it and how to place things.
I did get my tablet working though, so I'm super excited to do more with the tools I got~
anyway. til next time, sinners.